As of current, I'm doing what I can to help the Black Lives Matter movement in any way I can. This is one of them. I'm going to leave this page up, period.
I stand by the Black Lives Matter movement. We all need to rise up against injustice. I don't expect problems like racism to be solved overnight, but I do believe that together we can fix the systemic issues ingrained into society, especially the police force.
If you are going to protest, please make sure that you and others around you are safe. Wear a mask when going outside; the coronavirus isn't on hold. Additionally, while I don't agree with violent protest in practice, the reality of the situation is that this may need to be what's done. I will not stop anyone from doing what they feel is necessary.
We owe it not just to George Floyd, but to all of the black lives lost to injustice. We are not going to be silenced.
If you want to return to the rest of my page, click here. Please, do anything you can to help the movement. Putting in some effort to help is better than doing nothing at all.